今回の家政婦さんはGカップ美巨乳のるいさん。プニプニの柔らかい肉感でハリもある大きなオッパイは形だけでなく揉み心地も最高だ。幼さの残る可愛い笑顔でご主人様のどんな要望にも応えてくれるからリピーターが続出!!終始全裸で行う卑猥な家事シーンや濃厚すぎる性的ご奉仕の数々をどうぞご堪能ください!!This time our housekeeper is Rui、 who has beautiful G-cup breasts. Her large breasts are soft and firm、 and not only do they have a great shape、 but they are also very comfortable to squeeze. She has a cute smile with a hint of youth on her face and is always ready to meet any request from her master、 which makes him a regular! Please enjoy the obscene housekeeping scenes where she is completely naked from start to finish and the many sexual services that are too rich!