全裸で家事に従事してくれる家政婦。彼女達は家事だけには留まらず旦那様の淫らな要求も拒まない家事とセックスのエキスパート集団である。まずは旦那様に全身をくまなく検査してもらい気に入っていただければ、家事や性的サービスに従事します。旦那様の欲望で凝り固まったチ●ポにもコッテリご奉仕!6人4時間総集編。Housekeepers who do their work in the nude. They are an expert group of housekeepers and sex workers who do not stop at just doing housework but also follow their masters’ lewd demands. The master first inspects their bodies and decides whether or not he likes them. If he does、 they will engage in housework and also serve the Master’s lust-stiffened cock!