"今回は体育会大学卒業したてホヤホヤの短髪マッチョ君が登場!!見た目の爽やかさとは裏腹に、エロくて気持ちいことが大好きな彼は女とのセックスでは飽き足らず、男のフェラにハマってしまった。腹筋とケツ筋を震わせながら感じてよがってゴーグルマンの顔面にゼリー状の超濃厚ザーメンを大量射精しちゃいました!!""""This time、 we have a short-haired macho guy who has just graduated from a sport-oriented college! Despite his fresh appearance、 he loves erotic and pleasurable things、 and he can't get be fully satisfied by sex with women、 so he's hooked on sucking men's cock. He felt his abs and ass muscles quivering as he squirmed and squirmed and ejaculated a huge load of super thick、 jelly-like cum all over supporting man's face! """