夫の兄の経営する温泉に旅行で行くことになった若夫婦。妻のゆりはこの日を楽しみにしていた。夫とは結婚して間もない。当然セックスも期待していた妻。しかし…。独身の夫の兄に、つい、お酒の勢いで体を許してしまう。2泊3日の温泉旅館での不貞の関係。夫に内緒で何度もゆりを求めてくる義兄。気が付けば義兄との快楽に溺れている自分に気づく…。A young couple is going on a trip to a hot spring owned by the husband's brother. The wife、 Yuri、 is looking forward to this day. She and her husband have only been married a short time. Naturally、 she was expecting to have sex. However… They spend three days and two nights in a hot spring hotel、 and she is unfaithful to her husband、 giving up her body to her brother-in-law for three days and two nights of infidelity at the hot spring hotel. The brother in law repeatedly asks Yuri not to say a word to her husband. She finds herself drowning in the pleasure of her brother-in-law…