今回のお相手は都内の会社に勤めるOLで、2人ともダンスサークルに通ういわゆる社会人ダンサーだ。いきつけの店の店長から俺たちの「お酒愛好会」のうわさを聞いたらしい。いつものようにファミレスで飲ませたら、家に連れてってガンガン飲ませて…すっかりまわった2人をヤリまくり!女を前から後ろから、好きな所でハメまくる!意識が朦朧とした女達に濃厚精子を注ぎ込む非道ファック!Today’s guests are office workers that work at a company in Tokyo. Both of them go to dance school、 and call them selves dancing working adults. They apparently heard of our little “drinking club” from a guy who runs a place we go to often. We took them to a diner like usual、 got them just tipsy enough、 took them home、 and got them wasted beyond any words… Now it’s time to fuck ‘em till they drop! These wasted chicks get fucked from the front、 back、 and all over the place! How inhumane、 shoving our thick cum deep inside these chicks starting black out…