MAXING初!全編完全撮り下ろし総集編ついに完成!!まだ誰も見たことのない、壮絶オナニーがここにある!ぶっといディルドを美マ●コでぱっくり咥えて、ズボズボぬぷぬぷピストンしまくる大人気女優12名。この淫らな腰振りはもう誰にも止められない!!※全編こだわりモザイク仕様!MAXING’s first! All the films have been completely filmed and compiled、 finally complete! Here are some spectacular masturbation scenes that no one has ever seen before! Twelve of the most popular actresses sucking on a thick dildo with their beautiful pussies and pistoning it around. No one can stop this lewd shaking of their hips! All of them are in mosaic!