今回のお相手は制服姿と、はにかんだ笑顔に初々しさが残るスレンダー美少女ピッチピチの若干18歳 「かほ」ちゃんの登場でーす!!ん?18歳ですとーーー!?ということはついこの間まで高○生だったってコトじゃないですか!!どうりで制服姿に全く違和感がないわけですね。笑ちょっぴり恥ずかしがり屋で、Hの経験はまだ少ないですがHな事には興味津々。This time it's a slender beautiful girl in her school uniform with a shy smile that still retains her innocence、 and she's just 18 years old、 "Kaho"! She's 18 years old? That means she was a high school student until just a few weeks ago! That's why she looks so comfortable in her school uniform. She's a little shy and hasn't had much experience with sex yet、 but she's very interested in it.