「美雨」は子が欲しいが夫はEDでセックスができない。ある日、リモコンローターで遊んでいる所に荷物が届く。夫は面白半分にそのまま荷物を受け取りに行かせ、いやらしい妻の姿に興奮する。「美雨」も変態プレイにハマってしまい自ら配達員を誘惑するMiu" wants to have a baby、 but her husband has ED and cannot have sex. One day、 while playing with a remote-controlled rotor、 a package arrives. Her husband、 for the fun of it、 sends her to pick up the package and gets excited at the sight of his wife. Miu also gets addicted to the perverted play and seduces the deliveryman herself.